

AI 英文校正ツール & real time 英文校正との比較 (医学英語) 米国医師の考察の紹介(1)

AI 英文校正ツール & real time 英文校正との比較

医学英語校正に関して、AI 校正ツールが無料で使用できるとされていますが、米国人医師講師の以下の考察を紹介します。(2024年)

(和訳要約)AI ツールの校正は、不適切なワード選択や文の校正が高頻度に認められる場合があり、

While AI translating and editing is an enticing free service and generally provides an understandable English translation, it often leads to poor word choice and sentence structure. As an English-speaking doctor, when I edit research papers and presentations for Japanese doctors, I clarify with you in real time what you are trying to express with a sentence that needs reworked. The most common mistakes I see with a reliance on AI are missing time order conjunctions or a usage of less common forms of words that English-speaking people will view as incorrect. Having grown up with English as my primary language and attended medical school in the United States, my goal is to tailor my edits to your needs to support the important research you have done and enhance your ability to share it with the world.” (Dr. Harkins)