

AI 英文校正ツール & real time 英文校正との比較(医学英語) 米国医師の考察の紹介(3)

AI 英文校正ツール & real time 英文校正との比較(医学英語)


要約:現時点では、医学英語に関して 「AI 英文校正ツールは利点もあるが、校正の精度は、米国医師の校正レベルに及んでいないと考えます。」「AI校正ツールによって、不適切な校正が含まれていても、外国人にはわかりにくいと推測します。」「これらの理由から、日本人医師の方は、米国医師による正確な校正を習得されることが、最もメリットがある(benefit)でしょう。」

Since the inception of artificial intelligence generated chat tools like ChatGPT, many students and professionals have turned to these tools to help with English translation and editing. However, these AI tools still have significant shortcomings compared to native English speakers and are capable of producing errors that may be undetected by foreign speakers. Having tutored Japanese students that have used AI chat tools, I have discovered many phrases that would be considered inappropriate for native speakers and are out of context for the speaking event that the students are preparing for. While AI language tools have many benefits, in my opinion they remain inferior to native language speakers and to ensure accuracy and appropriate context, students would benefit from working with native English speakers. (Dr. David)